Hwuy’xwet Pune’luxutth (Opening Penelakut)

Race Face Creator Series presents: Hwuy'xwet Pune'luxutth (Opening Penelakut) Filmmaker: Jason Mannings At its core, Hwuy'xwet Pune'luxutth follows a group o...

watch the full film now on youtube. many thanks to jason mannings and the people of penelakut island and all others who contributed to this project. a GOFUNDME for future trailbuilding is also up and running now.

opening penelakut 2.jpg

'tetrahedron' short film

Is it still a kingdom amidst a wild decline in life? Director: Jason Mannings Director of Photography: Jason Mannings Production Company: Alt BC Edit/Color/Sound: Jason Mannings Music: Souns (Michael Red) Thanks: Tetrahedron Outdoor Club + Kodak + ISLA Records Something of a mood-sketch, shot casually during an overnight hike in a fave sub-alpine zone on the coast of British Columbia. Hiked in right after a lovely little music festival in the woods. I brought just over two half cartridges of film, which gave me about 3-min that I could roll for — Kodak 500T & Tri-X. Wish I'd let the shots breathe longer, but alas, was hella rationing those seconds. Perhaps next time I'll bring more film. ... I once watched a raven, Perched on a bluff, Unzip my knapsack, Remove my lunch box, And fly away. Congratulations, madam. I always marvel at those dark feathered pairs, Reigning high over their respective enclaves, Be they flapping in the present, Or soaring thru the arcane. A hot mess of ancients forests, so recently upturned, What if someone typed, Replace all [woodlands] with [timberlands]. Is it still a kingdom, I wonder, amidst a wild decline in life? Let us dream of somewhere without many of us, Fit for a visit, sometimes, to search or recall. A place with tools to do so much with so few, And yet the wisdom to all but set them aside. Nature knows life as moments. Brief is a sunrise. A flicker. A ripple. A gust. If earthly matters do and then die, Should we all not perhaps keep that in mind? ... https://www.jasonmannings.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jasonmannings/ http://www.michael-red.com/ https://isla.bandcamp.com/album/souns-re

the talented Jason Mannings put together a little video diary piece of recent wilderness wanderings on the sunshine coast, with souns as the soundtrack.

some music work for Destination BC

first foray into this sort of thing. music for destination bc's ongoing ad campaign. 8 pieces have been released so far, with more rolling out over the year. many thanks to jason mannings for providing the link, shawn parkinson for being a great project lead, and for jenny lea and skeena reece for lending their incredible voices to the work.

From mountains to ocean, from wildlife to city life, check out some of the best of BC. Featured locations: 1. Vancouver Island 2. Kinuseo Falls 3. Great Bear Rainforest 4. The Big House, Klemtu 5. Haida Gwaii 6. Cinnamon Ridge Trail, Kamloops 7. Cinnamon Ridge Trail, Kamloops 8. Kelowna 9.

Vancouver exists in the heart of nature, surrounded by towering mountains, lush rainforest, and the Salish Sea.

The staff at Spirit Bear Lodge in the Great Bear Rainforest on BC's Central Coast describe the magic of the area and the thrill of seeing the local wildlife, including the elusive white Spirit bear.